Description: For this demonstrator weather data (rain, temperature, barometric pressure) are delivered from an Arduino-based Weather Station (not part of this demonstrator) to a cloud based data aggregator. Data of a variable period of time are stored there. On the ThinSpeak aggregator site various analyses algorithms are running. Out of the available data these algorithms are producing
Plotted presentation of the dew point over time (part/a),
Plotted presentation of a rain bar diagram and a diagram pressure vs. time including a trendline (part/b),
Plotted presentations of filtered temperature data after treatment (clean-up) when data were outside the range (Outliers) by two filtering algorithms.
Students learn how to develop, test and run various medium level analyses algorithms. In particular the learning goal is
Understand the system design
Develop and understand the analyses algorithms
Operate programming tools on an cloud based aggregator site
Extract collected data from a message stream
Program the analyses and the visualisation on aggregator site (in MATLAB)
Run the algorithm and interpret the results